Skinpen with PRP

To schedule a consultation, please call our office at 502-384-6544


The variable depth (.25mm to 2.5mm) of SkinPen and the cordless design provide significant versatility to create change in many areas of the body, including the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, legs, abdomen and back.

The actual procedure typically takes 30 minutes depending on the size and number of areas treated and the severity of damage on the skin and results in little to no downtime for the patient.SkinPen is a medical grade, state-of-the-art microneedling device designed to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and scars on the face and body.

It allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self-repair process by creating thousands of precise micro-injuries in the dermis, automatically triggering new collagen synthesis without causing scar tissue formation.  Similar to PRP hair restoration, this cutting-edge preventative and corrective therapy harnesses the body’s natural healing process for complete rejuvenation of the skin leading to improved texture, firmness and elasticity. Once extracted, the PRP is then either injected or micro-needled onto the skin surface. The growth factor and cytokine-rich PRP aids in regeneration of the skin cells resulting in renewed glowing skin. Dr. Mays will fully evaluate your skin tone and texture to determine the best technique for your PRP skin rejuvenations. Recommended every 3-4 weeks.


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